Hey Neighbour

I’ve asked a lot of people a lot of questions in the course of my ‘career’ as a writer. I’ve always been fascinated by what makes people tick, what motivates them, what is the process of their critical thinking and what defining moments forged them into the people they are and the path that they…

I was once a World Champion…sort of.

Here’s a GoPro video of me winning the TiS Dual Slalom World Championship at Peaty’s house in 2011. Well, the ghetto equivalent. Thanks to WideOpenMag for the video. I just realized that the ‘ghetto’ in the above paragraph might be a little misleading. I’m not saying Steve Peat lives in a ghetto or that the…

Las Vegas Video

The following is a collection of just some of the videos that we collaborated with Dan Barham, Vernon Felton and Bike Magazine (bikemag.com) for the annual bike show gathering, Interbike in Las Vegas. Rather than go down a familiar route we chose to try something a little different, a little humorous and a little more…

You try so hard…

  Video kills me. Remembering lines kills me. Dan Barham heckling me at 6am in the morning after a neck full of spiked drinks while I’m trying to remember my lines for a video kills me. This is a teaser for an upcoming video segment that 2FLAT, Dan Barham Photography and Vernon Felton of Bike…


Back in May, after getting a substantial amount of metal work put into my foot, Dan Barham and I worked on this little snippet together. We had being planning a video shoot of an entirely different kind but when I injured myself it called for a radical re-think. We were then going to make a…

Revolution #28

The delivery man just keeps giving today. He has been three times today and the latest package had Revolution Magazine issue 28 in it. This one has flown all the way from Australia but it contains a heap of content I pigeon posted their way. There is a short interview with Ian Ritz of Chromag,…

Hey Coach!

We said we may never do it but we did – Hey Coach! Light hearted, highly visual and easy to digest with simple, small pointers, Hey Coach! is a brand new video coaching series that NSMB.com produced in collaboration with Endless Biking. May the 4th be with you.

P***s Song

What else are you meant to do when Bike Magazine’s editor shoves a microphone in your hand (the one without a beer in it) and tells you to fill 30 seconds of camera time? Being in California makes you do weird things.

Marmite Shots

This post might seem a little self-indulgent but it is meant to highlight how a bike can take you to so many different places and can be ridden anywhere…as well as be a massive self-love reach-around to completion. These are some of my personal favorite shots of all time. They might not be the ones…

Tallboys and tall tales

In March, Seb Kemp headed to Sedona, AZ to help with the promotion of several new Santa Cruz bicycles. As well as assisting select media from around the world (quite the roll reversal), getting up early and staying up late to shoot photos, he also rode for the lens of Gary “Flipper” Perkin who was…


Day two was a short day, only about a quarter of an hour, but don’t discredit day two because of this short time. Today started at 5500 feet up in the mountains and descended over 3000 feet back to Whistler village going through the rooty, rocky, holey hell of the Bike Park. This year the…


We made a weekend retreat from the mountains to the beach. I’m so tired at the moment that I fell asleep the whole journey. Luckily the Jamaican Tourist Board helps out weary travelers and have erected a bunch of big billboards right on the beach reminding people where they are.


Last thursday instead of heading down to the Farm early I went out filming with Ginger Si for the third installment of Matty Smiths Summer Sessions. The above video is nothing to do with that day but does contain a rather humorous video of Si being the gayest man on earth. Ah Mate!


“A moving tale of mans quest for happiness in a world characterized by malaise” The New York Times “A visual fiesta…gripping, inspiring and otherworldly” The Guardian “What a right bunch of cabrons…didn’t we see their testicles at Feliz Nuevo?” Sabinas Weekly


Two days before shooting outta Whistler in the fall I made a visit to the Chromag headquarters to get the gorgeous Ranger stem and brand new soon to be released all-mountain Fubars (in chrome of course). The weather was so cold and wet that day and I had already been on a 4 hour wet…


An article I wrote for [r]evolution Magazine (awesome ozzy magazine) just appeared on shelves. This means there’s more photos of my package (it was hella cold that evening) being printed and distributed throughout the southern hemisphere. My apologies parents. Here’s a link to Tim Pierces TwatPic Page which contains a shoot of the article in…