Bike Co. Pemberton

This was the last thing I wrote for BIKE Magazine during my short spell working there. It happens to be my favorite thing I wrote while at BIKE. I wonder why that was? Maybe I knew what was coming and I was relaxed enough to write as I wanted. Or perhaps it’s because the Bike…

The Crowd. The Corner.

[This was one of my favorite projects to work on last year. It was totally impromptu but came together really well I think. It was fueled by beer and my total desperation of how to cover a race event that is totally saturated by the mountain bike media. I approached the group of yelling, boozing…

Tested: Shimano MW81 Winter Shoes

Shimano MW81 Winter Cycling Shoes Price: $230 By Seb Kemp/This review originally appeared in the November 2013 issue of Bike Magazine. Winter can take a long run off a short pier as far as I’m concerned. Where I live, winter means dealing with a choking layer of devil’s dandruff. It’s not impossible to ride,…

You Don’t Know…Brett Tippie

Brett Tippie is famous for his skills on the bike, for the role he played in bringing freeride to the masses and for his infectious laugh and famously oversized sense of humor. All of that is just scraping the surface of who Brett Tippie truly is. This is a look into the life of a…

MBR Cover

In 2011 2Flat’s photo-whore/scribbling-dribbler Seb Kemp accompanied Jordan Manley and Rob Story on a trip through New Zealand for a Bike Magazine assignment. It was a fantastic opportunity to watch two professionals work up close and to roam through New Zealand’s South Island singletrack. Two years later and one of the shots from the trip…

You Don’t Know…Mark Weir

*Here’s a video that Dan Barham, Vernon Felton and 2Flat collaborated on for This was an amazing opportunity to get to know an incredible person and in the process produce something quite heartfelt and moving. Mark Weir is an icon. He’s the tough man of modern mountain biking. The grimacing guy, charging down an…

The Rooster Of Marcelo

*The following is a little different than usual. A short piece of fiction about a world sometime in the future. Don’t take it too seriously. The Rooster Of Marcelo A short story about good intentions, bad worms and unforeseen consequences. By Seb Kemp   Wayne Reid felt so pleased with himself that he vowed to…

You try so hard…

  Video kills me. Remembering lines kills me. Dan Barham heckling me at 6am in the morning after a neck full of spiked drinks while I’m trying to remember my lines for a video kills me. This is a teaser for an upcoming video segment that 2FLAT, Dan Barham Photography and Vernon Felton of Bike…

The Escape

The Escape – Teaser from Union Production Co. on Vimeo. Recently I did a wee cycle mission around BC, trying to escape the snow (or lack of). Dave Roth and I set out from Whistler on our mountain bikes, towing trailers with our gear, and circumnavigated the Salish Sea entirely by our own power (and…

Bike Magazine ‘My Trail’

The July issue of Bike Magazine is out and has a short piece about Will Craig that I wrote in it. Will Craig isn’t your average mountain biker. He rides with a prosthetic arm. More so, he rides perhaps some of the most technical and demanding trails in the world. Hence why he was an…

P***s Song

What else are you meant to do when Bike Magazine’s editor shoves a microphone in your hand (the one without a beer in it) and tells you to fill 30 seconds of camera time? Being in California makes you do weird things.