The (Final) Dirt

#159 is like the cookbook of how to make something of worth and truly rad. I feel like I was lifted off the ship and pulled put through the sky so I could look down upon the ship and see it as a tiny speck in the ocean, it’s relatively to it’s surroundings, where it has been and where it should go.

Crankworx Flashback

I’m currently writing a feature story for the local newsmagazine, The Pique, and was reminded of this I wrote for the 2012 Crankworx Joyride finals. Thunderstruck kid gets in the van The heat choked the air from lungs and drained sweat from pores, evaporating all energy and vitality from the town. Fleshy young girls and…

Momentarily Forgotten

Momentarily Forgotten By Seb Kemp I attempt to hurtle down an old familiar stretch of singletrack. I know the tempo of the trail, what’s over the blind crests and around each turn, but still how my tires play with the details of the route is something I have to be alert to. The web of…

DIRT: The Great White Buffalo

  Illustration by Jon Gregory [My monthly column in UK super magazine, DIRT got plonked onto the unsuspecting audience of the web this week. I asked for it to go up because…well, I knew it would wind some people up and I could stand back and watch people blow off steam on their keyboards, much…

A Couple’s Ride

A Couples’ Ride from Darcy Turenne on Vimeo. This video is brilliant. Anyone who is in a polygamist relationship with their partner and mountain bikes will nod emphatically at all the simple insights. In issue 135 of Dirt Magazine I dabbled with a similar topic. It is in no way as funny as the above…

Kamloops: The Man-Up Gene

Kamloops: The Man-Up Gene Driving in Kamloops feels dangerous. The roads are good, the drivers are courteous but I feel like I’m always on the verge of rolling off the road or hitting a lamppost. The reason for this is entirely of my own doing. Every moment behind the wheel I’m rubber necking at ghosts…

Semenuk in Dirt

  This summer I was tasked by Mike Rose of Dirt Magazine to interview Brandon Semenuk for a full feature. We didn’t want to just talk about the tricks and contest victories but rather the background to this rather quiet figure. Brandon’s upbringing was rather unique – living in Whistler, being an XC champion before…

Back in Dirt

I grew up with Dirt Magazine from issue one and it pretty much formed who I am. I moved from XC racing to DH and hucking because of the messages I read in Dirt. I stopped “training” and pounding creatine shakes and instead started wearing full-face and baggys when I saw the fun and excitement…

DIRT 111

Here are a bunch of photos of the pages Seb Kemp contributed to in the latest issue of Dirt Magazine. Even if you enlarge the photo you won’t be able to read it, so go out and buy a copy. Magazines are pretty sexy things. They smell great, they look incredible, and they have a…


I have a new entry in my top three MTB photog list. Camilla Stoddart is a ruler. Watch out world. Basically put she is a photog with a ski photog background that has decided to enjoy the benefits of summer for once (nine years back to back winters anyone?) which includes exploring MTB photography. 


So whilst in NZ (this months residence for yours truly) I’m racing around the Dirty South to all the all the two wheeled ‘freestyle’ events, jams and comps that make up the Month of Mayhem. Last weekend was the Stoney Hills Jam, and in two weekends time it will be the Gorge Road Jam but…